2014 #4


ISSN 2225-7330

CONTENT ISSUE — 2014, # 4


N.YSinyagina, E.GArtamonova. On the verge of the anniversary! P.6.


O.A. Idobaeva. Methodological principles of the development of juvenile delinquency prevention system. P.8-14.
The article considers scientific and methodological principles of the development of juvenile crime prevention system in accordance with contemporary social content of development of children and adolescents. The consideration is based on the age-related psychological approach, personality-oriented paradigm, cultural-historical activity theory of development with respect to gender peculiarities of children and adolescents.
Key words: personality-oriented paradigm, cultural-historical activity theory of development, juvenile crime prevention.

T.Y. Rayfshnayder. Prevention of deviant behavior was trained as part of the preventative education. P.15-20.
The paper presents an analysis of deviant behavior prevention as a learning component of preventive education. It shows that the problem remains topical for the world scientific and practical community, and that the demand for the development of new prevention technologies, in order to to create an effective strategy to promote safer behavior of children and youth, is still high. Positive influence of preventive education is proven by both foreign and Russian studies. Preventive education is regarded by the author as a comprehensive complex, which includes prevention of deviant behavior.
Key words: social diseases, addictive behavior, risky sexual behavior, preventive education.

L.A. Phonderkina. Gender identification Russian teenagers in contemporary social and cultural conditions: problems and prospects. P.21-26.
The article deals with the formation of gender identity of Russian teenagers in contemporary social and cultural conditions. The changes in the society require new approaches to parenting teenagers, taking into account their age, gender, and individual characteristics. In this article the author shows the influence of Western culture on the lifestyle of rising generation from the viewpoint of gender identity formation. The impact of the media on the formation of teenager’s self-identification as a representative of a particular gender is considered. In author's opinion, successful formation of teenager’s gender identity in the new social conditions depends heavily on the creation of a modern gender-oriented learning environment.

Key words: gender identity, gender role identity, gender role, transformation of gender role behavior.


David Iosifovich Feldshteyn. Happy anniversary! P.28-30.


Y.S. Konstantinov. About pedagogical importance of youth tourism. P.32-38.
Youth tourism plays an important role in the upbringing and development of a young person, a citizen of Russia. In his previously published works, the author has already highlighted all pedagogical advantages of youth tourism, however, he considers it necessary to bring attention to this issue once again, in this period of the development of the education system. He aims to help practicing teachers to comprehend and competently defend such activities from the viewpoint of pedagogical science.
Key words: youth tourism, education, the child's personality, tourist and regional studies, pedagogical tasks.

T.I. Petrakova. On the education of love as the main task of education. P.39-51.
The problem of «teaching» a child to love— as the main task of moral education — is considered from the perspective of patristic writings. The article shows, that the «measures of love» can be different, depending on its object. The author differentiates between such «shades» of love (varying in strength and direction) as awe — love towards what is greater than man, understanding — love for another person, and shame — the relation to self. The author also draws attention to the formation of virtues, such as obedience, honesty, diligence, moderation, modesty, etc.,  and focuses on the need for education on feelings.
Key words: upbringing of children, Christian pedagogy, theology, virtue, morality.

T.YBogacheva. Family club. P.52-55.
Traditionally the mail of «Family Club» receives questions on completely different topics and trends. For example, this issue contains a professional advice to initiative parents and to all the readers who are interested in the problems of raising children. The problems of emotional, verbal, and mental development of preschool children are being highlighted, and specific exercises for speech development of children are being presented. The rubric provides a clue to resolving problems in the sexual education of adolescents and tension in family relations. Along with this, the situation of the negative impact of divorce, that troubles our reader, is considered. All responses are given with respect to gender and age characteristics.
Key words: family relationships, family, conflicts, early sexual relations, relationship harmonization, divorce, emotional problems of students, development of preschool children.


D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya. Once again on the notion of «giftedness»: methodological approaches. P.58-66.
In author’s opinion, in the light of developed federal state educational standards, the problem of identifying gifted children should be reformulated as the problem of creating conditions for their intellectual and personal growth. However, the development of support methods for children, aimed at developing their talents, demands an answer to the question of "what" we are developing. This way, the question of the definition of "giftedness" stands again, as it is not a purely theoretical question. Without an answer to it, any giftedness development strategy by definition will lead to distorted results.
Key words: giftedness, creativity, spirituality, diagnostics, "creative problems", academic achievements, intelligence, spiritual development, the formation of a creative personality.


V.A. Zaikin. The relationship between group and individual moral decisions. P.68-76.
The article considers the theory and practice of studying moral decisions, at the individual level and at the group level. It presents the data of empirical social-psychological research on the impact of group moral decisions on individual moral decisions. The thesis, that the decisions taken at the level of the group correspond to a lower level of moral consciousness, than the decisions taken individually, is empirically substantiated. The article provides details on the process of group discussion and decision-making process.
Key words: moral psychology, group discussion, moral decision, stage theory of moral development.

N.V. Minaycheva. «The Listening Circle» — space of communication. P.77-84.
In this paper, the proven basic principles and variability of conducting the group effective communication program «Listening Circle», its capabilities and limitations, are presented. The article summarizes the practical experience of the author in conducting the Circle during a number of years in consulting situations, associated with inefficient interpersonal communication building, with the participation of the wide target audience. The author notes an innovative and promising character of the program, which assists in the development of interpersonal communication skills.
Key words: communication, interpersonal interaction, loneliness, competence, communication skills, lack of communication.

N.V. Solovyova. Social and psychological rehabilitation of HIV-infected orphans and children left
without parental care. P.85-91.
The article investigates the adaptation of HIV infected orphans and children left without parental care to the society. It presents the methods of psychological, social, and educational work with orphans and children left without parental care.
Key words: orphans, children left without parental care, HIV- infected children, social and psychological adaptation.

V.N.  Klepikov. The role of creative-reference signals  in modern mathematics class in schools. P.92-101.
The reference signals, which the authors have long used in their teaching practice, gradually enriched with information and communication technology, found aesthetic expression, saturated heuristic capabilities. At some point it became clear, that they are dealing not only with reference signals, but creative-reference signals, in connection with which lies a high probability of the birth of new meanings, ideas, and hypotheses.
Key words: form, content, general, special, unique, creative thinking, reference signals, creative-reference signals, bigger didactic units, heuristic learning, developing training, personal meaning.

T.S. Shevchenko. Formation of ideas about time and space among preschool children. P.102-106.
This article analyzes psychological and pedagogical research on the formation of ideas about time and space among preschool children. Ability to manage and plan activities in time provides a basis for the development of such personal qualities as organization, discipline, focus, and accuracy, which a child needs at school and in everyday life.
Key words: space, time, objective world, preschools.

N.N. Zavadenko,  L.O. Perezhogin,  V.F. Shalimov, I.O. Schederkina. Psychotherapy in the parent group of correction of hyperactivity and oppositional-defiant behavior. P.107-124.
The questions of psychotherapeutic training program for parents on behavior correction of preschool and primary school age children, exhibiting social and school maladaptation due to hyperkinetic conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder, are discussed in the artcle. The authors hightlight the objects of psychocorrectional impact as hyperdynamic behavior in combination with disorders in academic skills formation and comorbid affective disorders. The main stages of consultative and diagnostic help of psychotherapeutic work are discribed. The unit of psycho-correctional work with chldren and the unit of parental training organization are presented.
Key words: children, parents, family, psychotherapy, rehabilitation, hyperkinetic disorder, behavior.


"Tenth Muse". Nation-wide contest of young cinematographers through eyes of students of child television
studio "Source". P.126-129.

Works of winners of the nation-wide contest of children's creative works "My Family" in the category "Drawing". P.130-139.


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